Team fortress 2 is a valve game it's PvP ( player vs player ) so that means sign in to Xbox live or Psn it's time to beat some noobs. This game is Epic!!! you can choose which color team you want to be on
Red or
Blue. The gameplay is awesome the engine should be on every PvP game. The best thing i like about this game is the characters here is the list and there weapons and advantages.
1. Scout
Primary weapon : Scatter gun
Secondary weapon : Pistol
Melee weapon : Bat
Advantages : Runs fast and double jumps
Disadvantages : less health
Health: 125
2. Solider

Primary weapon : Rocket launcher
Secondary weapon : Shotgun
Melee weapon : Shovel
Advantages : Can rocket jump and has more health
Disadvantages : Slow
Health : 200
3. Pyro
Primary weapon : Flamethrower
Secondary weapon : Shotgun
Melee weapon : Fire axe
Advantages: Weapon is super effective and has more health
Disadvantages : Primary weapon must be fired at close range
Health : 175
4. Demoman
Primary weapon : Grenade launcher
Secondary weapon : Sticky bomb launcher
Melee weapon : Bottle
Advantages : Can use sticky bombs to jump far
Disadvantages : Grenades doesn't go where aimed
Health : 175
5. Heavy
Primary weapon : Minigun
Secondary weapon : Shotgun
Melee weapon : Fists
Advantages : Primary weapon is super effective and has more health
Disadvantages : Slow
Health : 300
6. Engineer
Primary weapon : Shotgun
Secondary weapon : Pistol
Melee weapon : Wrench
PDA : Construction PDA
Advantages : Can build machines which is useful
Disadvantages : machines can't be built if the other one is still working
Health : 125
7. Medic
Primary weapon : Syringe gun
Secondary weapon : Medi gun
Melee weapon : Bonesaw
Advantages : Can make teammates bullet proof
Disadvantages: Some weapons are weak

8. Sniper
Primary weapon : Sniper rifle
Secondary weapon : Submachine gun
Melee weapon : Kukri
Advantages : Can shoot enemies from far distance
Disadvantages : Not very good at melee
Health : 125
9. Spy
Primary weapon : Revolver
Secondary weapon : Electro zapper
Melee weapon : Knife
PDA : Disguise kit and Invisibility watch
Advantages : Can be invisible and can disguise as the enemy class
Disadvantages : if he disguises as a blue class the blue will know that he is a spy
Health : 125
You can trade with your friends and you can craft weapons there is various things you can do. You get achievements , with achievements you unlock weapons but not weapons you must buy. Team fortress 2 has been since 2007 but unfortunately you can't play offline . They have re-skinned the characters here is the old and new.
This game is beyond epic its a masterpiece this game's verdict is of course A+.