Sunday 24 March 2013

Gear of war judgement

This is a biased  review because i was so disappointed of this game. This game is just disappointing Microsoft didn't change anything only a new multiplayer mode, new guns  and  new challenges in the campaign. Lets start with gameplay nothing has changed the game still runs on the same engine as Gears of war 3 . The multiplayer is still the same except their is a new mode which you play as special enemies and kill the other team nothing special. The campaign is 14 years before Gears of war 1 so their is no Marcus Fenix but you play as Damon Baird, they have added challenges  in the campaign like no grenades, no using melee attacks its makes the game hard which is good. There is also after math , in after math you get to learn a little back story of Gears of war 3 . I haven't been this dissapointed in any game as i have been in this game this game is just terrible my verdict is D-. 

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